By Laurie Toupin
One day before school, my son complained of an earache. As a parent, I only want the best for my child. In my opinion, God is the best physician around! And as I have proved this so many times in my own life, I turned to God now.
But for added support, I called a Christian Science practitioner. A practitioner devotes his or her life to helping others through prayer. He or she not only prays for a person, but also helps guide them to a better understanding of God and their tender relationship to Him astheir Father/Mother.
I explained the situation, and the practitioner said simply, “Your son can hear nothing but good about himself.”
It was almost as if he had read my mind.
This made so much sense to me! My son seemed to need a lot of correcting lately, and perhaps he felt more criticized than we realized. Definitely not something he wanted to hear!
One of the first lessons in Christian Science is that God made man in His own image, as stated in the first chapter of Genesis. “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
(Genesis 1:27 God)
The Bible also tells us that God is Truth and also divine Spirit. So it follows that man, being made in His image, would be truthful and spiritual.
Jacob, then, as the child of God, was all these things too.
In fact, he was incapable of anything but Godlike behavior, which included patience, kindness, and gentleness.
Therefore Jacob could only hear good about himself, because he was only good. He could express no harmful qualities, nor hear them about himself.
All this took place in my thinking in a matter of about five minutes after the practitioner and I spoke. My son immediately stopped crying and there was no more mention of an earache. We were able to go about our day as if nothing had happened.
In addition, his behavior in school and at home improved. I was so grateful for this expression of God’s loving care.
Not all healings are this quick.
But, all Christian Science healings involve a change of thought — a growth in one’s understanding of who God is and who we are as His beloved child.
This clearer understanding of ourselves and othersas created in God’s image and likeness, uplifts our thoughts so that we express and see more of God’s qualities in our day-to-day lives.
As our thought turns towards God, we begin to see ourselves and others as God sees us. This purer concept, then, naturally becomes apparent in the world around us. And healing takes place.
Healing, which brings freedom and harmony to every situation, certainly is a wonderful, provable concept for all! And there will be a wonderfully new, spiritual lesson every time.